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Additional file 6 of Production of cadmium sulfide quantum dots by the lithobiontic Antarctic strain Pedobacter sp. UYP1 and their application as photosensitizer in solar cells

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posted on 2021-02-11, 04:31 authored by V. Carrasco, V. Amarelle, S. Lagos-Moraga, C. P. Quezada, R. Espinoza-González, R. Faccio, E. Fabiano, J. M. Pérez-Donoso
Additional file 6: Dataset S6. H2S(g) liberation assay. White filter paper was moistened with a 0.1 M lead acetate solution, air-dried and attached to the lid of tubes with different conditions. H2S(g) liberation was therefore assessed according to the lead acetate method [46]. (a) Negative control (R2A medium) with or without 1 mM cysteine and Pedobacter sp. UYP1 strain grown in R2A medium, with or without 1 mM cysteine. (b) Relative intensity values obtained from the pixel intensity analysis of the images in a.


Programa de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Básicas Instituto Antártico Uruguayo Instituto Antártico Chileno Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación Fondecyt
