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Additional file 5 of Production of cadmium sulfide quantum dots by the lithobiontic Antarctic strain Pedobacter sp. UYP1 and their application as photosensitizer in solar cells

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posted on 2021-02-11, 04:31 authored by V. Carrasco, V. Amarelle, S. Lagos-Moraga, C. P. Quezada, R. Espinoza-González, R. Faccio, E. Fabiano, J. M. Pérez-Donoso
Additional file 5: Dataset S5. Phylogenetic analysis of strain UYP1. A Neighbor joining tree was constructed using 16S rRNA nucleotide sequences of fifteen Pedobacter type strains retrieved by EZBioCloud (highlighted in bold) and fifteen strains retrieved by RDP and downloaded from NCBI e-servers, as most similar in sequence with UYP1. Pedobacter sp. UYP1 phylogenetic position is indicated by an arrow. Accession numbers for all the strains are detailed in brackets.


Programa de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Básicas Instituto Antártico Uruguayo Instituto Antártico Chileno Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación Fondecyt
