posted on 2018-07-11, 05:00authored byMichael Barrett, Elizabeth Lenkiewicz, Smriti Malasi, Anamika Basu, Jennifer Yearley, Lakshmanan Annamalai, Ann McCullough, Heidi Kosiorek, Pooja Narang, Melissa Wilson Sayres, Meixuan Chen, Karen Anderson, Barbara Pockaj
Figure S1. Workflow and analyses of TNBC cohort. Fifty-five resections were screened for PD-1 and PD-L1 expression with IHC. Biopsies from 48 resections were flow-sorted and profiled for CNVs. Combined IHC and CNV data were obtained from 46 cases in this study. Abbreviations: CNV copy number variant, IHC immunohistochemistry, TNBC triple-negative breast cancer. (PPTX 74 kb)
Desert Mountain Memberâs C.A.R.E. (Cancer Awareness through Research and Education), Carefree AZ.