Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of A risk-associated Active transcriptome phenotype expressed by histologically normal human breast tissue and linked to a pro-tumorigenic adipocyte population

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posted on 2020-08-01, 07:12 authored by Taekyu Kang, Christina Yau, Christopher K. Wong, John Z. Sanborn, Yulia Newton, Charlie Vaske, Stephen C. Benz, Gregor Krings, Roman Camarda, Jill E. Henry, Josh Stuart, Mark Powell, Christopher C. Benz
Additional file 1: Supplement Figure 1. Isolated TumorMap of the batch-integrated normal breast transcriptomes overlain with color-scaled intensity scores (red = high) for their various epithelial attributes including % epithelial nuclei, TDLU scores, KIT and TRPS1 gene expression levels. All numeric sample scores can be found in Supplement Table 4. Supplement Figure 2. Isolated TumorMap of the batch-integrated normal breast transcriptomes overlain with color-scaled intensity scores (red = high) for their various tissue compositions (% stromal, adipocyte, epithelial nuclei) and transcriptome gene expression modules representing specific immune cell signatures (macrophage, CD68, CD8 Tcell). Modules are defined in Supplement Table 1 and their numeric signature scores are listed in Supplement Table 4. Supplement Figure 3. Normal breast expression of genes representing adipocyte activation, remodeling, and pro-inflammatory signaling for all P batch samples according to their sample transcriptome phenotype assignment as either Active or Inactive (as described in Fig. 4 legend).


National Cancer Institute National Institute on Aging
