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Additional file 5 of First core microsatellite panel identification in Apennine brown bears (Ursus arctos marsicanus): a collaborative approach

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-19, 04:37 authored by Erminia Scarpulla, Alessio Boattini, Mario Cozzo, Patrizia Giangregorio, Paolo Ciucci, Nadia Mucci, Ettore Randi, Francesca Davoli
Additional file 5: Table S5. List of 194 selected samples representing 115 individual bear genotypes out of 125 (ISPRA BIO-CGE). When available, samples from invasive (blood and tissues) and systematic sampling (hairs) were preferred to non-invasive and opportunistic ones, the more recent to the older samples, hairs to feces. Since samples from 10 genotypes (Italian national reference biobank, ISPRA BIO-CGE) were not available, their genotypes were not updated with CXX20 and REN144A06 loci


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