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Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Wetland characteristics linked to broad-scale patterns in Culiseta melanura abundance and eastern equine encephalitis virus infection

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-10-18, 05:00 authored by Nicholas Skaff, Philip Armstrong, Theodore Andreadis, Kendra Cheruvelil
Relative importance of spatial scales from 50 m to 5000 m for a mean number of stream connections to forested wetlands, b proportional area of emergent wetland, c proportional area of deciduous forested wetland, d proportional area of evergreen forested wetland, e proportional area of scrub/shrub wetland and f mean impervious surface coverage. Each point represents a different model explaining Cs. melanura abundance. The y-axis lists AIC scores for each model centered on the mean AIC score of all the models. A lower centered AIC score for a model suggests better performance for that spatial scale. The background color shows the interpolated relative importance of a particular spatial scale averaged across all the models included in the plot. Red bands indicate spatial scales where the explanatory variable has the highest relative importance. (DOCX 2196 kb)


Environmental Protection Agency
