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Additional file 1 of Vegetation as a key driver of the distribution of microbial generalists that in turn shapes the overall microbial community structure in the low Arctic tundra

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posted on 2023-05-11, 03:29 authored by Shu-Kuan Wong, Yingshun Cui, Seong-Jun Chun, Ryo Kaneko, Shota Masumoto, Ryo Kitagawa, Akira S. Mori, An Suk Lim, Masaki Uchida
Additional file 1: Table S1. Results of one-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey’s HSD testing among-elevation variation in environmental and biotic variables. For the Tukey HSD column, elevation not sharing a letter are significantly different. Table S2. Environmental fitness of environmental parameters correlated with DCA ordinations of Generalists, Common taxa, and Specialists. Table S3. Module hubs and connectors in Total network and their topological characteristics and taxonomical features. Figure S1. The distribution of the niche breadthvalues of the ASVs. A B-value of >78 was chosen as a criterion for generalists as this value lies within the outlier area of the B-value distribution, while ASVs with B-values of <22 were regarded as specialists. Figure S2 Shannon diversity index of the nine different sampling sites in Salluit, Nunavik. Figure S3.The relative abundance of Generalist, Common taxa, and Specialist modules in the total network module.Composition of major modules. Figure S4. Spearman's rank correlation matrix between the variables including the distribution patterns of individual modules and environmental parameters. The colors of the scale bar represent Spearman's correlation coefficient


Ministry of Environment Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


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