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Additional file 1: of The discovery BPD (D-BPD) program: study protocol of a prospective translational multicenter collaborative study to investigate determinants of chronic lung disease in very low birth weight infants

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-07-06, 05:00 authored by Gaston Ofman, Mauricio Caballero, Damian Alvarez Paggi, Jacqui Marzec, Florencia Nowogrodzki, Hye-Youn Cho, Mariana Sorgetti, Guillermo Colantonio, Alejandra Bianchi, Luis Prudent, Nestor Vain, Gonzalo Mariani, Jorge Digregorio, Elba Turconi, Cristina Osio, Fernanda Galletti, Mariangeles Quiros, Andrea Brum, Santiago Lopez Garcia, Silvia Garcia, Douglas Bell, Marcus Jones, Trent Tipple, Steven Kleeberger, Fernando Polack
Investigators and Research Staff. (DOCX 12 kb)


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (US)
