Springer Nature

Additional file 1 of Individual and environmental factors associated with cognitive function in older people: a longitudinal multilevel analysis

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-03-24, 04:38 authored by Hui-Chuan Hsu, Chyi-Huey Bai
Additional file 1: FigureS1. Thesample of TLSA Table S1. Descriptive analysis of the city/county characteristicsacross 5 waves, 1999-2015 TableS2. Correlations of city-level indicators by year of 22 cites in Taiwan Table S3. Mixedlinear modeling of older adults’ cognitive function with individual and cityindicators by TLSA 1999-2015 (cognitive function measured by 10 items) Table S4. Multi-levelmixed linear modeling of older adults’ cognitive function with individual andcity indicators by TLSA 1999-2015 (cognitive function measured by 8 items ofSPMSQ)
