Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics modulation by diet and cytokines in rats

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-02-10, 04:16 authored by Zerin Alimajstorovic, Ester Pascual-Baixauli, Cheryl Hawkes, Basil Sharrack, A. Loughlin, Ignacio Romero, Jane Preston
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Food and water intake of male and female rats fed a C or HF diet. Graphs for food (a) and water (b) intake of male and female rats raised on either a C or HF diet are displayed. Figure S2. Average percentage weight gain of male rats fed a C or HF diet over a 7-week period. Readings were recorded weekly over a 7-week period (from 4 weeks of age) for both C and HF diet male rats. Average percentage weight gain was monitored prior to VCP and VRI experiments which were performed at 11 weeks of age. Figure S3. Average percentage weight gain of female rats fed a C or HF diet over a 7-week period. Readings were recorded weekly over a 7-week period (from 4 weeks of age) for HF diet rats and four week period (from 7 weeks of age) for C diet rats (extrapolated over literature female rat weights at week 0 (red line)). Average percentage weight gain was monitored prior to VCP and VRI experiments which were performed at 11 weeks of age.


Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (GB)
