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Additional file 2 of Integrative omics reveals subtle molecular perturbations following ischemic conditioning in a porcine kidney transplant model

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posted on 2022-02-16, 12:57 authored by Darragh P. O’Brien, Adam M. Thorne, Honglei Huang, Elisa Pappalardo, Xuan Yao, Peter Søndergaard Thyrrestrup, Kristian Ravlo, Niels Secher, Rikke Norregaard, Rutger J. Ploeg, Bente Jespersen, Benedikt M. Kessler
Additional file 2: Table S1. Transcriptome sequence alignments. An average sequence alignment of 82% was achieved across all samples. Table S2. List of transcripts identified by transcriptomics. A total of 19,220 transcripts were successfully identified across groups. Table S3. Transcripts differentially expressed between RIC and Non-RIC groups. Table S4. qPCR validation on a panel of targets from discovery transcriptomics. IL1B, LTB4R, PDZD3, SLC16A3, and RASL10A were quantified by qPCR. We observed a slight increase in RIC induced SLC16A3 transcripts, but overall, none of the genes quantified reached statistically significance between RIC and non-RIC, with all having a p-value of > 0.2. Table S5. List of proteins identified by proteomics. A total of 7,546 proteins were successfully identified across groups. Table S6. Proteins differentially expressed between RIC and Non-RIC groups. Table S7. List of proteins and phosphosites identified by phosphoproteomics. A total of 3,524 phosphosites were successfully identified across groups.


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