Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: of Putative bovine topological association domains and CTCF binding motifs can reduce the search space for causative regulatory variants of complex traits

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Version 2 2018-12-05, 05:22
Version 1 2018-05-25, 03:58
posted on 2018-05-24, 05:00 authored by Min Wang, Timothy Hancock, Amanda Chamberlain, Christy Vander Jagt, Jennie Pryce, Benjamin Cocks, Mike Goddard, Benjamin Hayes
Table S1. Summary of genomic conversion of mammalian TADs to the bovine genome. This table summarises results of converting mammalian TAD coordinates to the bovine genome in each step. Query: the input to liftOver in every step of genomic conversion. Target: the output in every step of genomic conversion. NA: not applicable. Gap: the genomic interval that are not marked as TAD in the data. (XLSX 22 kb)


DairyBio Initiative
