Springer Nature
12898_2019_244_MOESM4_ESM.docx (124.72 kB)

MOESM4 of Spatial and temporal dynamics of Antarctic shallow soft-bottom benthic communities: ecological drivers under climate change

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-07-01, 05:00 authored by Belinda Vause, Simon Morley, Vera Fonseca, Anna Jażdżewska, Gail Ashton, David Barnes, Hendrik Giebner, Melody Clark, Lloyd Peck
Additional file 4: Table S5. eDNA species list retrieved using the COI marker using a 97% sequence BLAST match against GenBank database. First column shows ASVs identification tag, followed by number of reads allocated to each ASVs per sample site (HC1, HC2, HC3) and the last seven columns show the taxonomy ranking to each ASVs from Kingdom to species, respectively. Hangar Cove replicates 1–3 (HC1, HC2, HC3) and South Cove replicates 1–3 (SC1-3).


Natural Environment Research Council
