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MOESM2 of Spatial and temporal dynamics of Antarctic shallow soft-bottom benthic communities: ecological drivers under climate change

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-07-01, 05:00 authored by Belinda Vause, Simon Morley, Vera Fonseca, Anna Jażdżewska, Gail Ashton, David Barnes, Hendrik Giebner, Melody Clark, Lloyd Peck
Additional file 2: Table S2. The date, position and water depth of samples taken in summer and winter. The square of the IBIS (iceberg disturbance) grid associated with the sample, is also reported.* indicates that the position was calculated from position from previous samples. Figure S1. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plots based on the Bray–Curtis similarity matrix for abundance of Mollusca, identified to the genus level. Benthic assemblages at South Cove, circles (Sites A, B and C) and Hangar Cove, triangles (Sites D, E and F). The low stress value of 0.15 indicates this plot is a good two-dimensional representation of the community in multi-dimensional space. Clustering shown at a similarity level of 50%. Description of outlier, Hangar Cove, site E. Table S3. Meta-analysis of the abundance (density, m-3) of sediment communities across latitudes. Abundance from samples using 1 mm mesh were doubled to compare with those from 0.5 mm mesh (following Arrigo and Dijken [63]). Reference lists for abundance and species richness mata-analyses.


Natural Environment Research Council
