Springer Nature
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MOESM1 of “Free won’t” after a beer or two: chronic and acute effects of alcohol on neural and behavioral indices of intentional inhibition

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-01-08, 04:56 authored by Yang Liu, Wery Wildenberg, Gorka González, Davide Rigoni, Marcel Brass, Reinout Wiers, K. Ridderinkhof
Additional file 1: Experiment I: 1) reliability of the questionnaires used; 2) results of the two computer tasks when AUDIT-C was used; 3) results of the stop-signal task for the 86 participants sample. Experiment II: 1) BrAC values at each reading; 2) behavioral findings; 3) EEG results for RP peak amplitude and RP build-up interval.


China Scholarship Council
