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MOESM1 of Arsenic sulfide induces RAG1-dependent DNA damage for cell killing by inhibiting NFATc3 in gastric cancer cells

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-12-11, 10:42 authored by Ting Kang, Maolin Ge, Ruiheng Wang, Zhen Tan, Xiuli Zhang, Chuanying Zhu, Han Liu, Siyu Chen
Additional file 1: Figure S1. NFATc3 silencing reduces viability and proliferation of gastric cancer cell line and the shNFATc3-resistant NFATc3 cDNA. Figure S2. NFATc3 silencing upregulated DNA damage related genes in MGC803 and MKN45 cells. Figure S3. Arsenic sulfide plays a role in inhibiting tumors through NFATc3. Figure S4. Arsenic sulfide increase celluar ROS in MGC803 and MKN45 cellsn and CsA redistributing NFATc3 localization. Figure S5. NFATc3 silencing alters the expression of RAG1 gene. Figure S6. NFATc3 consensus elements in the promoters of Il-2 and RAG1. Table S1.Primer list.


the National Natural Science Foundation of China
