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Additional file 7 of Daily cost of consumer food wasted, inedible, and consumed in the United States, 2001–2016

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posted on 2020-04-20, 03:33 authored by Zach Conrad
Additional file 7 : Table S5. Sensitivity analysis for food price assumptions, 2001–2016 (n = 39,758). Food purchased = wasted + inedible + consumed. Model 1: Expenditures estimated using 2008 dollar values for all foods reported consumed. Model 2: Expenditures estimated using food at home prices for all foods reported consumed. Model 3: Model 1 + Model 2. 1Difference between the estimated expenditure and each of the modeled expenditures tested using Wald tests at P < 0.05, with Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons. Superscript letters indicate statistical significance for independent comparisons between estimated expenditure and Model 1 (a), Model 2 (b), and Model 3 (c).
