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Additional file 5: of PYK2 promotes HER2-positive breast cancer invasion

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-05-22, 05:00 authored by Shaymaa IK. Al-Juboori, Jayakumar Vadakekolathu, Sarra Idri, Sarah Wagner, Dimitrios Zafeiris, Joshua RD. Pearson, Rukaia Almshayakhchi, Michele Caraglia, Vincenzo Desiderio, Amanda Miles, David Boocock, Graham Ball, Tarik Regad
Data S2. Tables representing top 25 upregulated proteins and top 25 downregulated proteins in SkBr3 untreated control vs. untreated and treated PYK2 knockdown samples with Fc 2 ≥ − 2, and confidence of 70%. (DOCX 26 kb)
