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Additional file 3 of Feasibility of coding-based Charlson comorbidity index for hospitalized patients in China, a representative developing country

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-05-19, 03:56 authored by Liyi Mo, Zhen Xie, Guohui Liu, Qiang He, Zhiming Mo, Yanhua Wu, Wenji Wang, Feng Ding, Yuanjiang Liao, Li Hao, Chen Lu, Jin Sun, Libin Xu, Yusheng Zhang, Rizwangul Ghappar, Hongwei Peng, Xiaohong Wei, Jinglie Xie, Yuanhan Chen, Xinling Liang
Additional file 3. Table S3. Prevalence of comorbidities based on ICD-10 Coding Algorithms and diagnosis at different hospital levels.


Guangdong Science and Technology Project Guangzhou Science and Technology Project
