Springer Nature
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Additional file 2: of Changes in the liver transcriptome of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed experimental diets based on terrestrial alternatives to fish meal and fish oil

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posted on 2018-11-03, 05:00 authored by Albert Caballero-Solares, Xi Xue, Christopher Parrish, Maryam Foroutani, Richard Taylor, Matthew Rise
Table S2. Complete list of microarray probes identified as diet-responsive. The results from the gene identification analysis, functional annotation, and microarray-based fold changes between diets are presented. For the qPCR-analyzed genes, data regarding the cDNA sequences utilized for primer design (e.g., the similarity between those corresponding to different paralogues) and qPCR-based fold changes between diets are also included. AA: amino acid; bp: base pair; RQ: relative quantity. (XLS 85 kb)


Genome Canada
