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Additional file 1 of The use of information and communication technologies in Latin American dentists: a cross-sectional study from Ecuador

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-05-20, 03:48 authored by Ivan Chérrez-Ojeda, Carlos Vera, Emanuel Vanegas, Juan Carlos Gallardo, Miguel Felix, Fernando Espinoza-Fuentes, Peter Chedraui, Antonio W. D. Gavilanes, Valeria L. Mata
Additional file 1: Supplemental Appendix Table S1. Frequency of use of specific ICTs classified by intended use Table S2: Logistic regression analysis between demographic variables and specific perceptions related to ICTs among Ecuadorian dentists. Table S3: Logistic regression analysis between demographic variables and specific barriers related to ICTs among Ecuadorian dentists.


Universidad de Especialidades Espiritu Santo
