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Additional file 1 of Sarilumab and adalimumab differential effects on bone remodelling and cardiovascular risk biomarkers, and predictions of treatment outcomes

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-04-08, 09:09 authored by Cem Gabay, Gerd R. Burmester, Vibeke Strand, Jérôme Msihid, Moshe Zilberstein, Toshio Kimura, Hubert van Hoogstraten, Susan H. Boklage, Jonathan Sadeh, Neil M. H. Graham, Anita Boyapati
Additional file 1. Additional methodology. Table S1. Individual serum biomarker assessment schedule. Table S2. Efficacy and PROs at week 24 in the biomarker and ITT populations. Table S3. Baseline biomarker serum concentrations in the biomarker population. Table S4. Absolute change from baseline in biomarker concentrations through week 24. Table S5. Percentage of patients with CRP ≤10 mg/L and ≤3 mg/L at weeks 12 and 24 (overall safety population). Table S6. Percentage of patients with anaemia at weeks 2 and 24 (overall safety population). Table S7. Treatment-by-tertile biomarker interactions for efficacy endpoints at week 24 analysed by baseline biomarker in tertiles. Table S8. Treatment-by-tertile biomarker interactions for PROs at week 24 analysed by baseline biomarker in tertiles. Figure S1. Correlation matrix for baseline biomarkers and haematology parameters. Figure S2. Median percentage changes from baseline in (A) CXCL13 and (B) sICAM-1 through week 24. Figure S3. Median percentage changes from baseline in biomarkers of anaemia of chronic disease 2 weeks post treatment. Figure S4. ACR50 responses at week 24 and corresponding ORs with differential combinations of CXCL13 and sICAM-1.


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