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Additional file 1: of Genomic and metatranscriptomic analyses of carbon remineralization in an Antarctic polynya

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-02-20, 05:00 authored by So-Jeong Kim, Jong-Geol Kim, Sang-Hoon Lee, Soo-Je Park, Joo-Han Gwak, Man-Young Jung, Won-Hyung Chung, Eun-Jin Yang, Jisoo Park, Jinyoung Jung, Yoonsoo Hahn, Jang-Cheon Cho, Eugene Madsen, Francisco Rodriguez-Valera, Jung-Ho Hyun, Sung-Keun Rhee
Table S1. Diversity and abundance of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained by the pyrosequencing of PCR amplicons in this study. Taxa with frequencies of < 1% were omitted from all samples. N/D, not detected. Table S3. DNA reads mapped to AL1_Pel and three Pelagibacter genomes. Table S4. Abundance (phylum level) of 16S rRNA gene among DNA reads. tr, < 0.1%; N/D, not detected. Table S5. Raw read classification based on NT database using Centrifuge. Table S6. Summary of metagenome and metatranscriptome data. Table S7. Spearman correlation coefficients for genes in the PK-mRNA-TPM and DC-mRNA-TPM datasets. Table S8. Bloom phase-specific gene expression and average fold changes in expression in 12 genome bins. Table S9. Summary of genes encoding representative transporters (TBDT, ABC, and TRAP) and SusD from 12 genomes. Table S10. Comparison of selected genes and pathways in GM1_Ant, GM2_Ant, GM4_SAR92, GM6_SUP05, and Roseobacter clades. Table S12. Genes in the pathway for vitamin B12 biosynthesis in GM1_Ant, GM2_Ant, and GM4_SAR92. (DOCX 73 kb)


National Research Foundation of Korea
