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Additional file 1: of Evidence for sex-specific genetic architectures across a spectrum of human complex traits

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-07-29, 05:00 authored by Konrad Rawlik, Oriol Canela-Xandri, Albert Tenesa
Additional methods and results. Figure S1 Phenotypic distributions for both sexes for considered phenotypes. Figure S2 SNP MAFs. Figure S3 Comparison of the results of the main analysis with those obtained on rank normalized phenotypes. Figure S4 Comparison of the results of the main analysis with those of simulated phenotypes. Figure S5 Comparison of the results of the main analysis with those obtained after exclusion of spouses. Figure S6 Comparison of the results of the main analysis with those obtained after adjusting for further socio-economic and health covariates. Table S1 Phenotype-specific sample sizes for the sets of unrelated and related white British individuals. Table S2 Sexual dimorphism indices for all phenotypes. Table S3 Comparison of the parameter estimates for alternative analyses of blood pressure phenotypes. Table S4 Estimates of heritabilities and genetic correlations for models fitted to related individuals with common SNPs and unrelated individuals including both common and common and rare SNPs. Table S5 Estimates of heritabilities, genetic correlations and P values for differences in heritability and genetic correlations differing from one, for categorical phenotypes using subsamples of the unrelated white British individuals with matching phenotypic distributions between the sexes. Table S6 Comparison of the results of the main analysis with those obtained on alternative analyses. Table S7 Estimates of heritabilities, genetic correlations and P values for differences in heritability and genetic correlations differing from one, for rank normalized phenotypes. Table S8 Parameter estimates for simulated phenotypes. Table S9 Estimates of heritabilities, genetic correlations and P values for differences in heritability and genetic correlations differing from one, after exclusion of spouses. Table S10 Estimates of heritabilities, genetic correlations and P values for differences in heritability and genetic correlations differing from one, when adjusting for additional socio-economic and health factors. Table S11 Prediction accuracies for bivariate and univariate genomic prediction models for all traits. (DOCX 2206 kb)


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (GB)
