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Additional file 1 of Apolipoprotein B and renal function: across-sectional study from the China health and nutrition survey

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-05-28, 03:36 authored by Wenbo Zhao, Junqing Li, Xiaohao Zhang, Xiaomei Zhou, Junyi Xu, Xun Liu, Zifeng Liu
Additional file 1: Supplement Table 1. Association of chronic kidney disease and apo-lipoprotein B in young people. Supplement Table 2. Association of chronic kidney disease and apo-lipoprotein B in middle-age people. Supplement Table 3. Association of chronic kidney disease and apo-lipoprotein B in older people. Supplement Table 4. Association of chronic kidney disease and apo-lipoprotein B in female. Supplement Table 5. Association of chronic kidney disease and apo-lipoprotein B in male. Supplement Table 6. Association of chronic kidney disease and apo-lipoprotein B in people whose BMI is no more than 25. Supplement Table 7. Association of chronic kidney disease and apo-lipoprotein B in people whose BMI is higher than 25. Supplement Table 8. Association of chronic kidney disease and apo-lipoprotein B in people with hyperuricemia. Supplement Table 9. Association of chronic kidney disease and apo-lipoprotein B in people with hyperuricemia.


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