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Additional file 12: of Changes in the liver transcriptome of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed experimental diets based on terrestrial alternatives to fish meal and fish oil

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-11-03, 05:00 authored by Albert Caballero-Solares, Xi Xue, Christopher Parrish, Maryam Foroutani, Richard Taylor, Matthew Rise
Figure S10. Alignment of nucleotide sequences corresponding to two mtco2 paralogues and the probe C060R108 from the Agilent 44 K salmonid microarray (GEO accession number: GPL11299). Conserved nucleotides in all three aligned sequences are highlighted in yellow, those conserved in two are highlighted in blue. Mtco2a and mtco2b sequences share 96% identity over 547 aligned nucleotides, and 83 and 85% identity compared with the 60mer microarray probe, respectively. The alignment and percentage identity calculation were performed using AlignX (Vector NTI Advance 11). Forward qPCR primers are in bold and single underlined, whereas reverse qPCR primers are in bold and double underlined. (DOCX 13 kb)


Genome Canada
