Database from "Predicting functional trait variation across climatic gradients in ectotherms" Juan G. Rubalcaba, Sidney F. Gouveia, Fabricio Villalobos, Miguel Á. Olalla-Tárraga, Jennifer Sunday Data content: Binomial: Species name (as referenced in Meiri 2018 GEB) meanTb: Field body temperature (ºC) SVL: Snout–vent length (mm) log10Mass: Body mass (log10 g) Tpref: Preferred body temperature (ºC) CTmax: Critical Thermal maximum (ºC) CTmin: Critical Thermal minimum (ºC) skin_absorbance: Skin absorbance to solar radiation, 290-2600 nm (%) Tb_imputed: Phylogenetically-imputed field body temperature (ºC) Tpref_imputed: Phylogenetically-imputed preferred body temperature (ºC) CTmax_imputed: Phylogenetically-imputed CTmax (ºC) CTmin_imputed: Phylogenetically-imputed CTmin (ºC) Mass_sensitivity: Modelled sensitivity of performance to body mass abs_sensitivity: Modelled sensitivity of performance to skin absorbance Tpref_sensitivity: Modelled sensitivity of performance to preferred body temperature CTmax_sensitivity: Modelled sensitivity of performance to CTmax CTmin_sensitivity: Modelled sensitivity of performance to CTmin References