Springer Nature

GHWR, a multi-method global heatwave and warm-spell record and toolbox

Posted on 2018-10-26 - 10:15
Global Heatwave and Warm-spell Record (GHWR) offers a comprehensive long-term global data record of heatwaves based on a wide range of definitions. This includes traditional constant temperature threshold methods, as well as spatially and temporally localized threshold approaches. GHWR includes binary (0/1) occurrence records of heatwaves/warm-spells, and annual summary files with detailed information on their frequency, duration, magnitude and amplitude. GHWR also introduces a new generalized statistical metric to identify heatwave/warm-spells, namely Standardized Heat Index (SHI). SHI benefits from a clear statistical definition with direct association to the probability distribution function of long-term daily temperatures for any given calendar day and spatial grid. Finally, GHWR offers a unique opportunity for users to select the type of heatwave/warm-spell information from a plethora of methods based on their needs and applications.


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