Springer Nature

XPO1 expression worsens the prognosis of unfavorable DLBCL that can be effectively targeted by selinexor in the absence of mutant p53

Posted on 2020-11-05 - 04:39
Abstract The XPO1 inhibitor selinexor was recently approved in relapsed/refractory DLBCL patients but only demonstrated modest anti-DLBCL efficacy, prompting us to investigate the prognostic effect of XPO1 in DLBCL patients and the rational combination therapies in high-risk DLBCL. High XPO1 expression (XPO1high) showed significant adverse prognostic impact in 544 studied DLBCL patients, especially in those with BCL2 overexpression. Therapeutic study in 30 DLBCL cell lines with various molecular and genetic background found robust cytotoxicity of selinexor, especially in cells with BCL2-rearranged (BCL2-R+) DLBCL or high-grade B-cell lymphoma with MYC/BCL2 double-hit (HGBCL-DH). However, expression of mutant (Mut) p53 significantly reduced the cytotoxicity of selinexor in overall cell lines and the BCL2-R and HGBCL-DH subsets, consistent with the favorable impact of XPO1high observed in Mut-p53-expressing patients. The therapeutic effect of selinexor in HGBCL-DH cells was significantly enhanced when combined with a BET inhibitor INCB057643, overcoming the drug resistance in Mut-p53-expressing cells. Collectively, these data suggest that XPO1 worsens the survival of DLBCL patients with unfavorable prognostic factors such as BCL2 overexpression and double-hit, in line with the higher efficacy of selinexor demonstrated in BCL2-R+ DLBCL and HGBCL-DH cell lines. Expression of Mut-p53 confers resistance to selinexor treatment, which can be overcome by combined INCB057643 treatment in HGBCL-DH cells. This study provides insight into the XPO1 significance and selinexor efficacy in DLBCL, important for developing combination therapy for relapsed/refractory DLBCL and HGBCL-DH.


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