Springer Nature

Validation of the eating pathology symptoms inventory (EPSI) in Swedish adolescents

Posted on 2024-05-28 - 04:01
Abstract Background Eating disorders (ED) are associated with symptoms across body image, disordered eating, and exercise-related domains, and while predominantly affecting females, ED in males is also a significant concern. However, popular self-report methods insufficiently capture male presentations. This study aimed (1) to validate the first Swedish translation of the Eating Pathology Symptoms Inventory (EPSI), which was designed to overcome limitations in previous measures, and (2) compare genders gender-specific manifestations of eating pathology, depression, and anxiety in Swedish high-school students. Methods Participants were 359 high-school students (47% males) aged 17.0 years (range 15–21). Results Confirmatory factor analysis and correlation patterns showed support for the 8-factor structure and convergent validity, but poorer discriminant validity may suggest caution in interpreting single scales as evidence of ED pathology. Gender comparisons were broadly consistent with previous research. Conlusions : The Swedish EPSI may be used to asses ED symptoms, but caution is suggested in interpreting some scales in isolation as indicative of ED pathology.


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