Springer Nature

The impact of postoperative adjuvant therapy on EGFR-mutated stage IA lung adenocarcinoma with micropapillary pathological subtypes

Posted on 2024-09-05 - 09:42
Abstract Background Micropapillary (MPP) adenocarcinoma is considered one of the most aggressive pathological types of lung adenocarcinoma (LADC). This retrospective study aimed to evaluate the prognostic significance and benefit of postoperative adjuvant therapy (PAT) in stage IA LADC patients with different proportions of MPP components. Materials and methods We retrospectively examined clinical stage IA LADC patients who underwent surgical resection between August 2012 and December 2019. In terms of the proportion of MPP components (TPM), the tumors were reclassified into three categories: MPP patterns absent (TPMN); low proportions of MPP components (TPML); and high proportions of MPP components (TPMH). The dates of recurrence and metastasis were identified based on physical examinations and were confirmed by histopathological examination. Results Overall, 505 (TPMN, n = 375; TPML, n = 92; TPMH, n = 38) patients harboring EGFR mutations were enrolled in the study. Male sex (P = 0.044), high pathological stage (P < 0.001), and MPP pathological subtype (P < 0.001) were more frequent in the TPM-positive (TPMP) group than in the TPM-negative (TPMN) group. Five-year disease-free survival (DFS) rates were significantly lower in the TPMP group than in the TPMN group (84.5% vs. 93.4%, P = 0.006). In addition, patients with high proportions (greater than 10%) of MPP components had worse overall survival (OS) (91.0% vs. 98.9%, P = 0.025) than those with low proportions (5%≤ TPM ≤ 10%). However, postoperative EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) or adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) cannot improve DFS and OS between EGFR-mutated patients with different proportions of MPP components. Conclusion MPP was related to earlier recurrence and shortened survival time, even in stage IA. Further research needs a larger sample size to clarify that EGFR-mutated stage IA patients with MPP components obtain survival benefits from adjuvant therapy.


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