Springer Nature

The Association Between Adjustment and Self-Insight into Emotional and Cognitive Abilities [Registered Report Stage 1 - Collection]

Posted on 2018-11-02 - 16:37
ABSTRACT: Despite the popularity of the Ancient Greek maxim “know thyself,” the importance of self-insight for adjustment remains unclear. Here we examine four perspectives about how abilities and self-views about these abilities relate to adjustment for the domains of cognitive and emotional abilities. We will administer tests of cognitive and emotional abilities and assess self-views about these abilities. Participants will then complete daily diaries for a week to report multiple indicators of adjustment. We will analyze data using polynomial regression and response surface analysis. The results will illuminate the merits of self-insight and the effects of giving employees and students feedback about their cognitive and emotional abilities in organizations and in schools.

ITEMS: Protocol, Supplementary Information, Data, R Code, Materials 1, Materials 2

Item: Protocol
The Registered Report protocol

Item: Supplementary Information
The Supplementary Information is divided into two sections. The first section describes in detail the methods and results for the fourth pilot, and the second section provides the detailed materials for the Registered Report protocol (e.g., consent and debriefing forms, focal measures).

Item: Data
This item contains all the raw data files collected in four pilot studies. The data are in csv format and identifying information have been removed.

Item: R Code
This item contains all the code for analyses written in R for the four pilot studies.

Item: Materials 1
This folder contains the questionnaire materials for the first, second, and third pilot studies. The questionnaire materials include a PDF and Word version of each of the surveys.

Item: Materials2
This folder contains the questionnaire materials for the fourth pilot study. The questionnaire materials include a PDF and Word version of the surveys.


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Date of in-principle acceptance




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Registered Reports at Nature Human Behaviour


Chong He
Stéphane Côté
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