Springer Nature

Solubility of lamotrigine in age-specific biorelevant media that simulated the fasted- and fed-conditions of the gastric and intestinal environments in pediatrics and adults: implications for traditional, re-formulated, modified, and new oral formulations

Posted on 2023-11-21 - 05:44
Abstract Background Lamotrigine is an effective antiseizure medication that can be used in the management of focal and generalized epilepsies in pediatric patients. This study was conducted to quantify and compare the solubility of lamotrigine in age-specific biorelevant media that simulated the fasted and fed conditions of the gastric and intestinal environments in pediatrics and adults. Another aim was to predict how traditional, re-formulated, modified, and new oral formulations would behave in the gastric and intestinal environments across different age groups. Methods Solubility studies of lamotrigine were conducted in 16 different age-specific biorelevant media over the pH range and temperature specified by the current biopharmaceutical classification system-based criteria. The age-specific biorelevant media simulated the environments in the stomach and proximal gastrointestinal tract in both fasted and fed conditions of adults and pediatric sub-populations. The solubility of lamotrigine was determined using a pre-validated HPLC-UV method. Results Lamotrigine showed low solubility in the 16 age-specific biorelevant media as indicated by a dose number of > 1. There were significant age-specific variabilities in the solubility of lamotrigine in the different age-specific biorelevant media. Pediatric/adult solubility ratios of lamotrigine fell outside the 80-125% range in 6 (50.0%) and were borderline in 3 (25.0%) out of the 12 compared media. These ratios indicated that the solubility of lamotrigine showed considerable differences in 9 out of the 12 (75.0%) of the compared media. Conclusion Future studies are still needed to generate more pediatric biopharmaceutical data to help understand the performances of oral dosage forms in pediatric sub-populations.


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Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg
ABI Technik (German)
Academic Medicine
Academic Pediatrics
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Academic Questions
Academy of Management Discoveries
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Learning and Education
Academy of Management Perspectives
Academy of Management Proceedings
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