Springer Nature

Music to improve sleep quality in adults with depression-related insomnia (MUSTAFI): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Posted on 2020-04-04 - 04:02
Abstract Background Insomnia is a common sleep disorder for adults with depression, with major impact on their quality of life. Previous trials suggest that listening to music may be helpful in the treatment of sleep disturbances in healthy populations, including students and elderly. In addition, small studies with clinical populations of traumatized refugees, adults with chronic insomnia and adults with depression insomnia add to the evidence base. However, the impact of music listening in the treatment of depression related insomnia is not well documented. Objective To examine the efficacy of music listening on sleep quality, symptoms of depression, and quality of life in adults with depression-related insomnia. Method A single-center randomized controlled trial (RCT) in a two-arm parallel-group design is conducted and reported according to the CONSORT guidelines. The trial consists of an experimental group and a standard care control group. Both groups receive standard treatment for depression following Danish clinical guidelines in an outpatient psychiatry unit. The experimental group listens to music for a minimum of 30 minutes at bedtime for 4 weeks. Discussion This trial will provide information on the efficacy of music intervention as a non-pharmacological intervention in the treatment of depression-related insomnia. This study will provide novel knowledge concerning music medicine as an evidence-based treatment for depression. Trial Registration Clinicaltrials.gov. ID NCT03676491, registered on 19 September 2018.


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