Music, families and interaction (MUFASA): a protocol article for an RCT study
Posted on 2022-11-05 - 16:25
Abstract Background General mental health and interpersonal skills of families are crucial to children's development and future. Research suggests a link between participation in music activities and individuals' own sense of mental health, as well as an effect in objective measures of health such as quality of life, social skills, and rehabilitation of various kinds. However, in Denmark there are not many services for families with school-aged children (7–12 years) that focus on prevention and strengthening family interaction hereby minimising the risk of children not thriving and developing optimally in terms of social and emotional skills and competences. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of shared music activities on family interaction, parental stress, and child well-being. Methods The study is a controlled effect study where 40 family dyads from Aalborg and Aarhus are randomized into 4 different groups including music therapy activities, community music, family concerts and a control group. Measurements of family interaction (Assessment of Parent Child Interaction, APCI) and mental health (Parental Stress Scale, PSS, and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, SDQ) will be made at baseline/pre intervention, at post intervention and a follow-up measurement 12 month after baseline (month 1, 3 and 12) 3 times in total. Furthermore, data about the family dyad’s regular participation in music events as part of every-day life at the same measure points (month 1, 3 and 12). Since this is a planned prospective study, results are not yet available, but clinical experience from a feasibility study in 2021 were promising and expected challenges and changes are discussed in the article. Discussion Findings of this study will be relevant for all fields where music is applied for families, such as education, mental health, social work and for basic research on the study of music and interaction. Music used as a resource for families is crucial in understanding how different modalities can influence the family interaction including emotional communication and attachment. Trial registration: ISRCTN, ISRCTN17290015, Registered 03 March 2022, Date and protocol version July 2022, version 1. Protocol is planned to be updated after finalized recruitment during second data collection point and again after the third and last data collection point (see Additional file 1: SPIRIT Checklist).
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Jacobsen, Stine L.; Gattino, Gustavo; Holck, Ulla; Bøtker, Julie Ørnholt (2022). Music, families and interaction (MUFASA): a protocol article for an RCT study. figshare. Collection.