Multimodal dataset of real-time 2D and static 3D MRI of healthy French speakers
Posted on 2021-09-22 - 08:10
The dataset is acquired with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) from 10 healthy native French speakers. A corpus consisting of synthetic sentences was used to ensure a good coverage of the French phonetic context. For acquisition of the speaking subjects’ images a real-time MRI technology with temporal resolution of 20 ms was used. The sound was recorded simultaneously with the MRI, denoised and aligned with the images. The speech was transcribed to obtain phoneme-wise segmentation of the sound. We also acquired static 3D MR images for a wide list of French phonemes. In addition, we include annotations of spontaneous swallowing.
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Isaieva, Karyna; Laprie, Yves; Leclère, Justine; Douros, Ioannis; Felblinger, Jacques; Vuissoz, Pierre-André (2021). Multimodal dataset of real-time 2D and static 3D MRI of healthy French speakers. figshare. Collection.