Springer Nature

Metagenomic analysis reveals the shared and distinct features of the soil resistome across tundra, temperate prairie, and tropical ecosystems

Posted on 2021-05-15 - 03:10
Abstract Background Soil is an important reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), but their potential risk in different ecosystems as well as response to anthropogenic land use change is unknown. We used a metagenomic approach and datasets with well-characterized metadata to investigate ARG types and amounts in soil DNA of three native ecosystems: Alaskan tundra, US Midwestern prairie, and Amazon rainforest, as well as the effect of conversion of the latter two to agriculture and pasture, respectively. Results High diversity (242 ARG subtypes) and abundance (0.184–0.242 ARG copies per 16S rRNA gene copy) were observed irrespective of ecosystem, with multidrug resistance and efflux pump the dominant class and mechanism. Ten regulatory genes were identified and they accounted for 13–35% of resistome abundances in soils, among them arlR, cpxR, ompR, vanR, and vanS were dominant and observed in all studied soils. We identified 55 non-regulatory ARGs shared by all 26 soil metagenomes of the three ecosystems, which accounted for more than 81% of non-regulatory resistome abundance. Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria were primary ARG hosts, 7 of 10 most abundant ARGs were found in all of them. No significant differences in both ARG diversity and abundance were observed between native prairie soil and adjacent long-term cultivated agriculture soil. We chose 12 clinically important ARGs to evaluate at the sequence level and found them to be distinct from those in human pathogens, and when assembled they were even more dissimilar. Significant correlation was found between bacterial community structure and resistome profile, suggesting that variance in resistome profile was mainly driven by the bacterial community composition. Conclusions Our results identify candidate background ARGs (shared in all 26 soils), classify ARG hosts, quantify resistance classes, and provide quantitative and sequence information suggestive of very low risk but also revealing resistance gene variants that might emerge in the future. Video abstract


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