Springer Nature

Limited evidence for return to sport testing after ACL reconstruction in children and adolescents under 16 years: a scoping review

Posted on 2020-10-16 - 03:32
Abstract Specific return to sport criteria for children and adolescents after anterior cruciate ligament injury and reconstruction are unknown. The aim of this scoping review is to provide an overview of current tests regarding return to sport for children and adolescents. This scoping review was performed according to the PRISMA statement. A systematic search was performed on PubMed and EMBASE. The inclusion criteria were diagnostic and prognostic studies evaluating tests regarding return to sport after ACL injury and reconstruction in children/adolescents (age < 18 years). Twenty-six studies were included, of which 22 studies evaluated tests in the age category of 16 to 18 years. All studies evaluated tests after ACL reconstruction, no studies have been conducted in non-operative patients. Strength tests, movement quality and patient reported outcomes measures (PROMs) are investigated most frequently. Clearance for return to sport should be based on a test battery including strength tests, movement quality during sport-specific tasks and (paediatric) patient reported outcome measures. There are no recommendations on which specific tests regarding quantity and quality of movement should be used. Future research should aim at at developing and validating a test battery including movement quality and neuromotor control in a sport-specific context for both younger children and adolescents after both operative and non-operative treatment.


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