Springer Nature

Increasing urban health awareness in adolescents using an interactive approach: evidence from a school-based pre-post pilot study in Rome, Italy

Posted on 2023-05-25 - 03:36
Abstract Background Cities contribute to and are affected by the climate crisis, determining significant health issues in urban settings. Educational institutions have a privileged position to contribute to achieving the transformations needed for a healthier future, so Urban Health education is fundamental to empowering the health of the youth living in cities. This study aims to measure and raise the awareness of Urban Health among students attending a high school in Rome (Italy). Methods An interactive educational intervention, consisting of four sessions, was conducted in a Roman high school during spring 2022. Overall, 319 students aged between 13 and 18 attended the sessions and were asked to complete a 11-items questionnaire before and another after the interventions. Data was gathered anonymously and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results Fifty-eight percent of respondents improved their post-intervention questionnaire score, while 15% did not improve and 27% got worse. The mean score significantly improved after the intervention (p < 0.001; Cohen’s d = 0.39). Conclusions The results suggest that school-based interventions using interactive approaches on Urban Health could be effective in increasing students’ awareness and promoting health especially in urban settings.


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Doris Zjalic
Alessio Perilli
Lorenza Nachira
Teresa Eleonora Lanza
Giuseppe Santoli
Andrea Paladini
Walter Ricciardi
Chiara Cadeddu
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