I-BLEND, a campus scale commercial and residential buildings electrical energy dataset
Posted on 2019-02-15 - 15:43
IIIT-D, an academic Institution in Delhi, India, has seven buildings on campus namely Academic, Lecture, Library, Facilities, Dining, Boys dormitory, and Girls dormitory. A smart meter is connected to each building which measures the aggregate energy consumption of the building. We release following data related to the Institute: (1) Electrical energy consumption data (2) Occupancy and (3) Institute calendar
A Readme file is associated with each dataset for further details.
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Rashid, Haroon; Singh, Pushpendra; Singh, Amarjeet (2019). I-BLEND, a campus scale commercial and residential buildings electrical energy dataset. figshare. Collection. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3893581.v1