Springer Nature

High-resolution (1 km) Köppen-Geiger maps for 1901–2099 based on constrained CMIP6 projections

Posted on 2023-09-19 - 16:00

High-resolution maps of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification for historical and future climate conditions (Beck et al., 2023). 

IMPORTANT: Most users only need the "koppen_geiger_tif.zip" archive (90 MB). It includes GeoTIFFs of Köppen-Geiger maps in varying resolutions for multiple periods and future socio-economic scenarios. For example, the file "2071_2099\ssp585\koppen_geiger_0p01.tif" in the archive provides the Köppen-Geiger map for the period 2071–2099 under the SSP5-8.5 scenario with a resolution of 0.01° (roughly 1 km). 

GeoTIFF files are easily viewed using Geographic Information System (GIS) software such as QGIS. The "koppen_geiger_tif.zip" archive also contains a legend file, "legend.txt", which links the numeric values in the maps to the Köppen-Geiger climate symbols and provides the color scheme used for displaying the maps. The other archives contain underlying climate data in different resolutions. 

For details on these archives, please refer to the 'Data Records' section in Beck et al. (2023). Please cite Beck et al. (2023) when using the maps in any publication: 

Beck, H. E., T. R. McVicar, N. Vergopolan, A. Berg, N. J. Lutsko, A. Dufour, Z. Zeng, X. Jiang, A. I. J. M. van Dijk, and D. G. Miralles (2023). High-resolution (1 km) Köppen-Geiger maps for 1901–2099 based on constrained CMIP6 projections, Scientific Data, in press.


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Hylke Beck
Tim McVicar
Noemi Vergopolan
Alexis Berg
Nicholas Lutsko
Ambroise Dufour
Zhenzhong Zeng
Xin Jiang
Albert van Dijk
Diego Miralles
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