Springer Nature

Genomic variation in captive deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) populations

Posted on 2021-09-15 - 03:19
Abstract Background Deer mice (genus Peromyscus) are the most common rodents in North America. Despite the availability of reference genomes for some species, a comprehensive database of polymorphisms, especially in those maintained as living stocks and distributed to academic investigators, is missing. In the present study we surveyed two populations of P. maniculatus that are maintained at the Peromyscus Genetic Stock Center (PGSC) for polymorphisms across their 2.5 × 109 bp genome. Results High density of variation was identified, corresponding to one SNP every 55 bp for the high altitude stock (SM2) or 207 bp for the low altitude stock (BW) using snpEff (v4.3). Indels were detected every 1157 bp for BW or 311 bp for SM2. The average Watterson estimator for the BW and SM2 populations is 248813.70388 and 869071.7671 respectively. Some differences in the distribution of missense, nonsense and silent mutations were identified between the stocks, as well as polymorphisms in genes associated with inflammation (NFATC2), hypoxia (HIF1a) and cholesterol metabolism (INSIG1) and may possess value in modeling pathology. Conclusions This genomic resource, in combination with the availability of P. maniculatus from the PGSC, is expected to promote genetic and genomic studies with this animal model.


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Matthew D. Lucius
Hao Ji
Diego Altomare
Robert Doran
Ben Torkian
Amanda Havighorst
Vimala Kaza
Youwen Zhang
Alexander V. Gasparian
Joseph Magagnoli
Vijay Shankar
Michael Shtutman
Hippokratis Kiaris


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