Springer Nature

Extracting functional trends from whole genome duplication events using comparative genomics

Posted on 2016-05-10 - 05:00
Abstract Background The number of species with completed genomes, including those with evidence for recent whole genome duplication events has exploded. The recently sequenced Atlantic salmon genome has been through two rounds of whole genome duplication since the divergence of teleost fish from the lineage that led to amniotes. This quadrupoling of the number of potential genes has led to complex patterns of retention and loss among gene families. Results Methods have been developed to characterize the interplay of duplicate gene retention processes across both whole genome duplication events and additional smaller scale duplication events. Further, gene expression divergence data has become available as well for Atlantic salmon and the closely related, pre-whole genome duplication pike and methods to describe expression divergence are also presented. These methods for the characterization of duplicate gene retention and gene expression divergence that have been applied to salmon are described. Conclusions With the growth in available genomic and functional data, the opportunities to extract functional inference from large scale duplicates using comparative methods have expanded dramatically. Recently developed methods that further this inference for duplicated genes have been described.


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