Springer Nature

Development of a multisystem point of care ultrasound skills assessment checklist

Posted on 2022-05-13 - 03:40
Abstract Background Many institutions are training clinicians in point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS), but few POCUS skills checklists have been developed and validated. We developed a consensus-based multispecialty POCUS skills checklist with anchoring references for basic cardiac, lung, abdominal, and vascular ultrasound, and peripheral intravenous line (PIV) insertion. Methods A POCUS expert panel of 14 physicians specializing in emergency, critical care, and internal/hospital medicine participated in a modified-Delphi approach to develop a basic POCUS skills checklist by group consensus. Three rounds of voting were conducted, and consensus was defined by ≥ 80% agreement. Items achieving < 80% consensus were discussed and considered for up to two additional rounds of voting. Results Thirteen POCUS experts (93%) completed all three rounds of voting. Cardiac, lung, abdominal, and vascular ultrasound checklists included probe location and control, basic machine setup, image quality and optimization, and identification of anatomical structures. PIV insertion included additional items for needle tip tracking. During the first round of voting, 136 (82%) items achieved consensus, and after revision and revoting, an additional 21 items achieved consensus. A total of 153 (92%) items were included in the final checklist. Conclusions We have developed a consensus-based, multispecialty POCUS checklist to evaluate skills in image acquisition and anatomy identification for basic cardiac, lung, abdominal, and vascular ultrasound, and PIV insertion.


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Critical Ultrasound Journal


Nilam J. Soni
Robert Nathanson
Mark Andreae
Rahul Khosla
Karthik Vadamalai
Karthik Kode
Jeremy S. Boyd
Charles M. LoPresti
Dana Resop
Zahir Basrai
Jason Williams
Brian Bales
Harald Sauthoff
Erin Wetherbee
Elizabeth K. Haro
Natalie Smith
Michael J. Mader
Jacqueline Pugh
Erin P. Finley
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