Development and inter-rater reliability of a simple prehospital mobility score for use in emergency patients
Posted on 2024-02-16 - 04:40
Abstract Background Mobility assessment enhances the ability of vital sign-based early warning scores to predict risk. Currently mobility is not routinely assessed in a standardized manner in Denmark during the ambulance transfer of unselected emergency patients. The aim of this study was to develop and test the inter-rater reliability of a simple prehospital mobility score for pre-hospital use in ambulances and to test its inter-rater reliability. Method Following a pilot study, we developed a 4-level prehospital mobility score based of the question”How much help did the patient need to be mobilized to the ambulance trolley”. Possible scores were no-, a little-, moderate-, and a lot of help. A cross-sectional study of inter-rater agreement among ambulance personnel was then carried out. Paramedics on ambulance runs in the North- and Central Denmark Region, as well as The Fareoe Islands, were included as a convenience sample between July 2020—May 2021. The simple prehospital mobility score was tested, both by the paramedics in the ambulance and by an additional observer. The study outcomes were inter-rater agreements by weighted kappa between the paramedics and between observers and paramedics. Results We included 251 mobility assessments where the patient mobility was scored. Paramedics agreed on the mobility score for 202 patients (80,5%). For 47 (18.7%), there was a deviation of one between scores, in two (< 1%) there was a deviation of two and none had a deviation of three (Table 1). Inter-rater agreement between paramedics in all three regions showed a kappa-coefficient of 0.84 (CI 95%: 0.79;0.88). Between observers and paramedics in North Denmark Region and Faroe Islands the kappa-coefficient was 0.82 (CI 95%: 0.77;0.86). Conclusion We developed a simple prehospital mobility score, which was feasible in a prehospital setting and with a high inter-rater agreement between paramedics and observers.
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Asmussen, Søren Westh; Holme, Jacob Metze; Joensen, Kurt; Ibsen, Stine; Bøggild, Henrik; Christensen, Erika Frischknecht; et al. (2024). Development and inter-rater reliability of a simple prehospital mobility score for use in emergency patients. figshare. Collection.