Springer Nature

Data set containing live cell microscopy videos, uncropped western blots and images of a proximity-ligation assay corresponding to the article: Unique properties of PTEN-L contribute to neuroprotection in response to ischemic-like stress.

Posted on 2019-02-28 - 14:52

This collection contains three datasets corresponding to the above mentioned manuscript by Jochner et al., which investigates the role of phosphatase and tensin homolog long (PTEN-L) in mouse primary neurons in the context of cerebral ischemia. PTEN-L is a longer translational variant of PTEN, which antagonises an important cell survival pathway and might have neuroprotective properties in neurons.

After ischemic-like stress, PTEN-L rapidly re-distributes within neuronal cells while the shorter variant PTEN remains evenly distributed within neurons (Data Set 1: Live cell microscopy videos of cellular distribution of PTEN:EGFP and PTEN-L:EGFP after 50µM glutamate stress in mouse primary neurons). Here, primary neurons derived from conditional PTEN knockout mice were transduced with cre to knock both PTEN variants and exogenous, EGFP-tagged PTEN-L or PTEN protein was expressed. Neurons were imaged every 10 min for 90 min after they were treated with 50 µM glutamate. This Data corresponds to Fig. 3a-b of the above mentioned publication.

Data Set 2 (Uncropped Western Blots, Fig. 1b and Fig. 2b) contains uncropped Western Blots of Fig. 1b and Fig. 2b, which showed the knock-out of both PTEN variants and the titration of exogenous PTEN protein amounts.

Data Set 3 (Proximity ligation assay of PTEN-L:EGFP (V420) with Gab2 after control (PBS) or 50µM glutamate treatment) contains the original images used to quantify the proximity ligation-assay corresponding to Fig. 4c. PTEN-L interacts with the membrane-associated protein Gab2 and the interaction is lost in response to treatment with 50 µM glutamate.


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M.C.E.J. was funded by a PhD fellowship of the NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence through grants received from the German Research Foundation (DFG). Conditional PTEN knockout mice were funded through the collaborative research center SFB958 to B.J.E. supported by the DFG. U.D. & C.H. received funding by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the Center for Stroke Research Berlin and the project ‘SUMO and stroke’. U.D. & C.H. received funding by the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH).

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