Springer Nature

Cross-training needs among community-based clinicians in HIV and substance use

Posted on 2022-08-20 - 07:57
Abstract Background People with double burden of HIV and substance use have poorer treatment engagement and worse treatment outcomes. Cross-training of HIV and substance use disorder clinicians can potentially enhance the scale up and quality of integrated care. Research is needed on clinicians’ areas of greatest training need in order to inform training development. Methods Data from semi-structured individual interviews with 16 HIV and 13 substance use disorder clinicians (N = 29) examining clinician perspectives on their training needs were analyzed using thematic analysis focused on both a priori and emergent subthemes. Results Several key emergent subthemes were identified across the a priori themes of: 1) past training experiences; 2) gaps in training; and 3) training and supervision format/structure. Both HIV and substance use clinicians reported they had received minimal formal cross-training and had mostly been trained “on the job.” Clinicians also emphasized gaps in training regarding sensitivity and anti-stigma, the latest medications for opioid use disorder, and HIV prevention/treatment and referral resources. Regarding training and supervision format, clinicians cited didactic workshops and ongoing supervision as appealing strategies. Conclusions Results show that lack of formal and updated training for clinicians is an important gap in providing integrated HIV and substance use treatment. Didactic workshops and ongoing support strategies that address stigma, medications for HIV and substance use disorder, and referral resources are likely to be particularly valuable.


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