Springer Nature

Characterization of gut microbiota dynamics in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model through clade-specific marker-based analysis of shotgun metagenomic data

Posted on 2024-10-31 - 08:18
Abstract Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complex neurodegenerative disorder significantly impairing cognitive faculties, memory, and physical abilities. To characterize the modulation of the gut microbiota in an in vivo AD model, we performed shotgun metagenomics sequencing on 3xTgAD mice at key time points (i.e., 2, 6, and 12 months) of AD progression. Fecal samples from both 3xTgAD and wild-type mice were collected, DNA extracted, and sequenced. Quantitative taxon abundance assessment using MetaPhlAn 4 ensured precise microbial community representation. The analysis focused on species-level genome bins (SGBs) including both known and unknown SGBs (kSGBs and uSGBs, respectively) and also comprised higher taxonomic categories such as family-level genome bins (FGBs), class-level genome bins (CGBs), and order-level genome bins (OGBs). Our bioinformatic results pinpointed the presence of extensive gut microbial diversity in AD mice and showed that the largest proportion of AD- and aging-associated microbiome changes in 3xTgAD mice concern SGBs that belong to the Bacteroidota and Firmicutes phyla, along with a large set of uncharacterized SGBs. Our findings emphasize the need for further advanced bioinformatic studies for accurate classification and functional analysis of these elusive microbial species in relation to their potential bridging role in the gut-brain axis and AD pathogenesis.


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Francesco Favero
Angela Re
Mohammed Salim Dason
Teresa Gravina
Mara Gagliardi
Marta Mellai
Marco Corazzari
Davide Corà
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