Springer Nature

Assessing the accuracy of multiparametric MRI to predict clinically significant prostate cancer in biopsy naïve men across racial/ethnic groups

Posted on 2022-07-19 - 05:50
Abstract Introduction The Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System (PIRADS) has shown promise in improving the detection of Gleason grade group (GG) 2–5 prostate cancer (PCa) and reducing the detection of indolent GG1 PCa. However, data on the performance of PIRADS in Black and Hispanic men is sparse. We evaluated the accuracy of PIRADS scores in detecting GG2-5 PCa in White, Black, and Hispanic men. Methods We performed a multicenter retrospective review of biopsy-naïve Black (n = 108), White (n = 108), and Hispanic (n = 64) men who underwent prostate biopsy (PB) following multiparametric MRI. Sensitivity and specificity of PIRADS for GG2-5 PCa were calculated. Race-stratified binary logistic regression models for GG2-5 PCa using standard clinical variables and PIRADS were used to calculate area under the receiver operating characteristics curves (AUC). Results Rates of GG2-5 PCa were statistically similar between Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics (52.8% vs 42.6% vs 37.5% respectively, p = 0.12). Sensitivity was lower in Hispanic men compared to White men (87.5% vs 97.8% respectively, p = 0.01). Specificity was similar in Black versus White men (21.6% vs 27.4%, p = 0.32) and White versus Hispanic men (27.4% vs 17.5%, p = 0.14). The AUCs of the PIRADS added to standard clinical data (age, PSA and suspicious prostate exam) were similar when comparing Black versus White men (0.75 vs 0.73, p = 0.79) and White versus Hispanic men (0.73 vs 0.59, p = 0.11). The AUCs for the Base model and PIRADS model alone were statistically similar when comparing Black versus White men and White versus Hispanic men. Conclusions The accuracy of the PIRADS and clinical data for detecting GG2-5 PCa seems statistically similar across race. However, there is concern that PIRADS 2.0 has lower sensitivity in Hispanic men compared to White men. Prospective validation studies are needed.


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