Springer Nature

A global dataset of diel activity patterns in insect communities

Posted on 2024-05-28 - 15:00
A dataset of 1512 observations of abundance and richness during diurnal and nocturnal periods in insect communities worldwide. The data were collected from 99 studies that systematically sampled insect communities during day and night, using sampling methods minimally influenced by diel variation, such as movement-based interception traps. Spanning six continents, 41 countries and 16 insect orders, the data can support investigations into the factors influencing insect diel preferences as well as the causes and consequences of temporal changes in insect biodiversity. The data also provides key baseline information on the diel activity patterns of insect communities for long-term ecological monitoring. These pursuits take on added significance considering contemporary ‘insect declines’ and increasing anthropogenic impacts on diurnal and nocturnal biodiversity.


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